I will celebrate “Canada Day” when the natives do
By Omar Shaban
This statement is in response to all the speculations and assumptions made about me in the media regarding a position that I took in a personal message on facebook. My facebook status did read “F*** Canada Day”, and it was followed by a few other comments in response to some of the questions that people posted. Some consider that taking this position is disgraceful and shameful but I tend to disagree.
First of all, my statement clearly did not reflect CAF’s position; it was my own personal opinion.
Secondly, I said “F*** Canada Day” and I regret the dark history that this country has. On our silent government's behalf, I apologize to the indigenous people for this, and sincerely wish it had not happened to you. I apologize to the indigenous people of Canada because their feelings are not taken into consideration at “Canada Day” celebrations. I apologize to them because they had to be slaughtered, killed, massacred, diseased and dispossessed to establish Canada. And I apologize to the indigenous people because they continue to live in reserves under miserable and dire conditions that no so-called “Canadian” would accept to live under.
I also apologize for being a citizen of a country that followed George Bush’s orders and went to Afghanistan. I apologize for being a citizen of a country that imposed sanctions on the Palestinian people because they followed Canada’s own advice and elected a new government democratically. I apologize because it was Canada’s own Lester Pearson that masterminded the notorious Partition Plan of Palestine, and it was Canada’s own Paul Martin who compared Canada’s values with Israel’s values, and it was Canada’s own Michael Ignatieff who legitimized Israel’s onslaught on Gaza in Dec 08/Jan 09.
I did not resign from CAF because “it was felt that [I] had to correct that” and that “[I] decided that the best thing for [me] to do was to resign" (http://www.torontosun.com/news/canada/2009/07/02/9997971-sun.html); I resigned from CAF because I do not want to be part of an organization that openly refuses to acknowledge Canada's colonial and shameful history.
We are only lying to ourselves if we deny the dark past that Canada was founded on. Canada Day is seen as tragic by its true indigenous population. When Canada Day is celebrated for true freedom and not mourned by the indigenous population of Canada for its colonial and dark past, I will gladly show them my support. When the country I was born in, shames me with its colonial mindset, I refuse to celebrate it, and will not apologize for refusing to do so.
I WILL celebrate Canada Day, only when it is accepted as legitimate by the indigenous people.
Omar Shaban
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ReplyDeletegreat post omar :)
ReplyDeleteGet out of my country you ingrate diaper-head
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ReplyDeleteListen, you have the right to say what you want. But that kind of statement speaks volumes about your character. If you dislike it here so much, feel free to leave. The door is right over there, and I am sure you would be happy in Saud, or Iran, or Syria, or the myriad other enlightened, Islamic countries of the world.
ReplyDeleteAs a 7th generation settler-citizen, I absolutely agree with Omar's view. That's why I work so hard for social justice. I am absolutely committed to accepting responsibility for political research, participation and action.
ReplyDeleteOver the years the similarities between the experience of First Nations in North America and Palestinians has always been apparent to me.
The failure of the Canadian Arab Federation to have the integrity to express these same views may explain why they have had so little impact on the latent racism towards Arabs in North America. It would certainly explain their failure to present the Palestinian case effectively.
Is the leadership of CAF basically racist and imperialist, just like all those celebrating 'Canada Day' or are they just gutless?
Gail Harmer
I ever see you on the street im draging you behind my truck.You dont like Canada go the fuck home. POS fuck Cammel Fucker.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Omar, although I would be wary of allowing instigators like Tarek Fatah and the morons at the National Post to create divides between the already fragmented Arab community in Canada.
ReplyDeleteFor all of the racists who insist Shaban go home - to truly be Canadian means holding your government accountable forits crimes. Indeed, Canada has many freedoms that 'many' (not all) of its citizens get to enjoy. But do you really think those freedoms came as a result of the will of the government? No, they came frm the tireless efforts of activists and ordinary citizens who refused to live their lives on their knees. Wake up.
I can't say how ashamed I am to see the ignorance of you anonymous posters on here. How ready people are to throw hate speech around on internet posting boards!
ReplyDeleteFor a long time I considered myself "proud to be Canadian" largely because we assume we aren't as ignorant as Americans. So much of our mythology has us convinced we are a "peace-keeping" country; that we accept immigrants from all parts of the globe and encourage diverse ethnic and cultural affiliations when immigrants do settle here.
Oh how the past ten or so years have been such a rude awakening. What pompous assholes must we be to assume we can attack the people we accept into this country as soon as they speak out against celebrating the sordid history of colonial terrorism (that continues today) and upon which our country was founded upon.
You have my support, Omar. I share your sympathies whole-heartedly and clearly the people who are most hatefully reacting to your view are the ones who know they are guilty or complacent in the violence enacted upon indigenous and ethnic minorities in this country.
Like Omar I will not be celebrating Canada Day until the indigenous of this country do so.
ReplyDeleteYou aren't a Canadian, wanker, so no need to be ashamed.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your free health care.
Hey you Lebanon loser, don't you think you are going to piss off the hezzassholes terrorist? They are not going to like it that you spilled the beans and no more Canadian tax-payer money going into their coffers. Why don't you go back to Lebanon, I am sure the hezzassholes would still have you as a suicide bomber. Lebanon is a great country for you, full of retards like yourself, who would willingly strap a bomb on themselves and go amongst innocent people and detonate. Lebanon, the land of the losers.
ReplyDeletego live somewhere else if you tink this country is so awful - how many billons of dollars do Canadians have to give natives until they finally accept that the past is the past and start providing a future for themselves and their youth instead of sitting around crying in their beer about how good things used to be - hundreds of years ago - and guess what hings were'nt even that good. also - there are no peoples anywhere in the world who haven't been displaced by war, famine at one time or another - most get over it and move on in life
ReplyDeleteI agree with Omar. I think the west is evil. They kill everyone. Islam is the best religion on planet and they all want to kill Muslims. All Muslims need to unite to fight the west.
ReplyDeleteKeep up ur fite, Omar. We will defeat the enemies and reclaim what's truly ours.
Bravo Omar! You are right. Oh Canada, our home on native land.
You cry about the Indigenous people but it was the Hezbollah that put so many Palestinian lives at risk for so many years with their show of might with toothpicks and pebbles. Talk about your own family members first before you spew the crap out of your hummus-eating mouth about the country you are taking advantage of with your huge OSAP and University grants jack-off!
ReplyDeleteYou hate Canada but you'll stay here to get your education? You are nothing but a hypocrite. If you hate this country as you seem to, then GTFO.
ReplyDeleteOmar is no activist. He is a shit-disturber that is pissing on the country where he lives and studies. You throw stones at this country and look at the country you are from. Glorious Lebanon with a terrorist organization in charge. You think that country doesn't have a history of "colonial terrorism"? Actually, no, they have a history of the real kind of terrorism.
You are a disgrace.
Mr Shaban I think you need to study Canadian history and process before you pass such harsh judgement on it. Like many Canadians you seem to assume Canada treated its First Nations as a "mini me" America. We did not. The only massacres of note either were First Nation on First Nation or were relatively minor murders of non-natives such as at Frog Lake, Alberta. Canada does have reason to apologize to first Nations people because how we have honored the treaties we negotiated with them has not always be honorable. However, this country unlike any of the others settled over the colonial period, did largely observe legal process and did not give into the forces of chaos as did our southern associates.
ReplyDeleteAs to the remarks about your political and racial affiliations, I really think people might look in the mirror and remember it is exactly this sort of reactionary posturing which gets our souther friends into trouble. Mr. Shaben, while I disagree with many of your stances and attribute your exuberance to your youth, I do stand by your right to speak, resign (from CAF) and postulate freely. I am glad you have not seen fit to given into the forces of chaos and hope you will continue to constructively engage.
You don't like the country? Then get the hell out. I'm sure Saudi Arabia will welcome you with open arms.
ReplyDeleteWhen your level of disgust with Canada reaches the breaking point, I'll drive you to the airport.
ReplyDeleteThen you can fly off to some place where Arabs sent their armies centuries ago and where Arabs have been brutal colonial occupiers ever since.
But before you go, ask the aboriginals in Canada who ended up as slaves of the dominant aboriginal tribes if they were happy when the Euros showed up and freed them from their bondage.
History is a bitch.
I completely agree with you! I am a white male and several generations of Canadians. You are correct this country should be shamed. And as far as Canada day I say fuck Canada day as well. We are not even our own country. We are just made to think so. Its owned by the queen. So untill she is out of power in this country it isn't even ours in the first place. I love this country and will be proud to be a Canadian when it is actually Canada and not another British colony!
ReplyDeleteWhere to start, where to start...
ReplyDelete1) Being on the executive board of an organization means your views are going to be judged based on your membership, and your organization will be judged based on what you say.
2) The government of Canada has NOT been silent on this issue. Prime Minister Harper has issued the appology you so nobly offered on his behalf. He could and should do more, but claiming silence demonstrates your utter lack of awareness of the basic facts.
3) The native situation is beyond unpleasant, no one is debating that. It is compounded by a delicate balancing act of attempting to preserve native culture while instituting modern reforms. As in any 'good' compromise, both sides lose. We should be vigilant in trying to improve the situation, which your views in no way do.
4) As bad as the situation is, natives do celebrate Canada Day, so strap on your party hat.
I would like to thank Mr. Shaban for being one of the few non-aboriginal Canadians who recognize that genocide has been committed by government, religious and business organisations against aboriginal peoples. Canadian society has been built on the legacy of mass murder and continuing genocide via economic oppression and this needs to be known. It is only through brave individuals like Omar exposing these terrible acts that there will be any true justice for these crimes.
ReplyDeleteYour entry has been reposted at hackgillam.blogspot.com.
For more information about the scope of these crimes, google video "Unrepentant: Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide" or visit hiddenfromhistory.org
Your young. Your brain washed. Your words will follow you and the day will come hopefully when you use your education to read and learn about something other than hate filled CAF propaganda.You are so ashamed of Canada then as others have suggested, why aren't you back in Lebanon? The truth is that you are living in a country where you are allowed to say the things you do without being beheaded or thrown in jail so perhaps you should be a little more thankful. As a woman, I see how free we are in "your" Arab world and it ain't pretty.
ReplyDeleteEinstein was right. There's no limit to human stupidity. Do you think this clown actually cares about the indigenous people? He cares about having all the kafirs accept his great religion of hate and establish sharia law throughout the country.
ReplyDeleteGet bent, you terrorist.
ReplyDeleteI agree with him and i'm pretty near full blooded Mi'kmaq Fuck Canada Day and if you don 't like it you're all more then fucking welcomed to go back across whence you came, and take your "house negros" with your, those that serve the Crown, Canada isn't even a Country, it's a corporation owned by the Crown of England, not really owned, OCCUPIED and stolen, leaving our TRIBES in genocidal polices, and under MADE IN CANADA APARTHEIDS, if it was up to me, i would send all you rednecks, racist, genocidal policies and politicians to rot in prison then to hell, and if i have my way, i would send most of you back to where you came, as MR X put it, "House NEGROS" "brainwashed indian act elected chiefs and their council can all go back with their house masters to England, British/English invasion on a global scale of other nations lands if the worse possible thing in human written history that could of happened to mother earth, they spread like parasites, kill their host, and now killing the earth, later mass extinction due to their greed, lust for power, materialism, all these sicknesses. They are the worse thing on the face of the planet, i label them INVASIVE SPECIES of the WORST KIND... and they need to be put in check FAST by WORLD POWERS!!!!!!!!!!!
I wholeheartedly agree - why not fight to right the crimes that governments in the Arab sphere have and continue to perpetuate on their own Arab peoples, including the Palestinians?
ReplyDeleteOh! of course! They don't have a democracy and they will either suppress your free speech or ignore you or MUCH WORSE.
I agree and challenge you to fight for your freedom over in the Arab lands...but then you will probably delete this post also...
F you Omar. You hypocritical ass. Canada gives you an education you couldn't get in Lebanon.My tax dollars goes to idiots such as you. Remember a few years ago when the crap hit the fan in Lebanon and all the ungrateful part time Canadians could do was complain about the condition of the ships that rescued them. Pull out the Canadian citizen convenience card and complain about the service. Free medical, welfare, roof over the head giving bleeding heart politicians are draining me of my hard earned money for whiners like you.
ReplyDeleteGet lost creep.
Is Lebanon better then Canada. If your warped mind thinks so then go there and complain about Canada. This is MY country too, and I say eject anyone who lives like a parasite...take take take and not give in return. I am ashamed that people like you are allowed to live her in the WORLDS best country.
You leaving as soon as you get your diploma????
Convenient hey? and no worries about a suicide bomber or rock throwing mob attacking like in Lebanon, the dirt pile armpit of the world...or sweaty asscrack dirt pile. F Lebanon and the people who think like you OMAR
F you Christine. Grow a spine. Omar and his ilk who take my tax dollars should be shipped back to Lebanon. You should go too, to experience all a woman can do in such a place. Cover your face and walk a few paces behind your appointed and probably child raping husband with more than one wife...who is really barbaric?????
ReplyDeleteYour a piece of shit and have no idea about the history of my country, we dont call germany genocidal state and they killed millions of jews, we were the ones to stop hitler from conquering europe. Your ignorace and hate is pathedic and the CAF will have to close their racist doors soon enough. People like you need to be drug by their ears over a gravel road, get our of my country your hate is not welcome here
ReplyDeleteYou should NEVER be allowed to celebrate Canada day, its easy to be critical of Canada when you enjoy all the freedoms here, how about going back to lebanon you bell end.If i see you in the streets i will take you back myself
ReplyDeleteSo you claim to be in tune with aboriginal Canadians huh? When was the last time you visited a reservation or talked with a survivor from "the schools". You can take any country's history and you will see the bad as well as the good. Even your parent's previous country I bet. It is up to all Canadians to move forward positivly. We certainally do not need a arm chair critic like yourself spewing this kind of nonsense. I think the first nations people have better representatives than you to advocate for changes in their communities. F Canada Day?....no buddy F U.
ReplyDeleteI personally think you are terribly wrong in your opinions, but your idiotic Facebook statuses are not worthy of news attention. I kind of feel bad that your young naivety has brought you such attention.
ReplyDeleteWe are all taught about what has happened in the past in Canada. And if you think there is any country without it's share of shameful actions in it's past you better look a little closer at your history books.
ReplyDeleteHowever, you appear to dwell on the things that have happened before any of us were born, rather than the things we can accomplish in the future, together.
This makes you short sighted, foolish and, well, the kind of fool that is in the position you "enjoy" today. At least in Canada we allow all kinds of idiots to spew forth their opinions freely - no matter how biased or short sighted.
Happy Canada Day.
If Canada is a genocidal country, then what about Sudan? Or may be armenians masacred by Otoman empire are forgotten. What about the recent events in islamic republic in Iran?
ReplyDeleteOmar, I reject your statement but acknowledge your right to state them. You're certainly not the first Canadian to express this type of sentiment. I am curious though. Is there any country on the planet that you would be proud to be a citizen of?
ReplyDeleteAn interesting stance but the government has formaly apologized to the natives before and likely will continue to. They've also made many concessions in their favor. If people in the history of the world should be ashamed for their country/empire/race/religion taking over someone elses territory then we are all terrible terrible people. Even you Mr. Fuck Canada. It was the way of the old world or have you not taken history? It is true that the state of natives is not ideal today, but that can be said for many types of people.
ReplyDeleteThe fact is many native americans do celebrate canada day even though you may not concede this.
But i guess while were at it fuck indepndance day in the u.s too. Afterall who could celebrate a day for a country that took part in slavery. Lets not celebrate the queens birthday either england has invaded so many places throughout it's history it's not worth it.
Part of the problem is that we are nowhere near selective enough about who 'we' accept into this country. I am quite pleased we are a nation of immigrants as it does contribute to a rich and wonderful tapestry of culture, ideas and tolerance.
ReplyDeleteOr, it did, once. Now 'we' admit people who not only don't think Canada is, if nothing else, a noble ideal - they also teach their children that *Canada* is the big bad wolf. Nevermind that they likely fled a country many, many, many times worse, nevermind that their quality of life is many times better here as a *janitor* than it was as a teacher or doctor in their country of origin. No, it must be Canada that changes for *them*.
How self aggrandizing. Who, I would have to ask, are the pompous assholes, really? Your narrow and empty views serve only one purpose - reminding everyone that Canada is one of the most free societies in the world.
You think you wouldn't have been arrested and 'vanished' in Russia by now? You think China would be so accomodating as to ignore you?
I suspect your bloody and beaten body would even turn up on the sidewalk in the good 'ol US of A. But here? You get some internet vitrol that will ultimately come to nothing, and the 'horrible upset' of being called a camel fucker. I weep for you, I really do.
Get over yourself.
As far as genocidal nations go... why don't we all go hang out in Burma. Things like this make me angry. Yes, Canada has made mistakes, and I regret them as well, but on the whole, were doing a pretty damn fine job running this country. If we cant move on from the past, how can we have a better future? Omar, you have shown the exact kind of backwards thinking that is causing these problems to exist in the first place. Give your head a shake.
ReplyDeleteOmar, you clearly only the story from one side, but you shall be reminded there are always at least 2 sides to every story. Perhaps Omar is a prime example of people who we shouldn't be allowing into our country. You can go fuck yourself if this country shames you, or get the fuck out. Why don't you do something about it besides bitch on the internet like the coward you are?
ReplyDeleteYou are just another muslim idiot - not worth a cent.
ReplyDeleteEver done any thing useful???
hahaha Here I thought I was the only one and then I find this.
ReplyDeleteThis is my Wednesday's Facebook message :)
"Happy Canada Day! When we Canadians celebrate our ancestors murdering countless Canadian Indians, rounding them up in prison camps called Reservations and raping and abusing their children in missionary schools;p"
I don't understand why you feel the need to take it upon yourself to raise a flag that has absolutely nothing to do with you other than to ruffle feathers and become the attention whore you are.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad the government cut your funding so get over it; stop using the fine natives of this country as a shield for your own incompetence and willingness to support KNOWN TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS.
It's the Natives' prerogative should they choose to piss away the billions of dollars in taxpayer capitulation cash - not yours.
Maybe you should learn a little bit more about the internal politics of how a reserve actually uses their government money and I think you'll find your raising a vapid flag...
As an Aboriginal Canadian I find Mr. Shaban's efforts to exploit our past with his own cause deplorable. I am a proud Canadian and forever shall be. Why? Because Canada is trying to do something about its past atrocities. Canada is in the process of mending fences and although we have a long way to go, we have made great progress.
ReplyDeleteFocusing on the negative (especially in race, class and gender cases) has never done anything productive other than snatch a bit of fame for the person or organization who utters such. This whole situation seems to me nothing more than a desperate attempt by Mr. Shaban to draw attention to himself.
Educated First Nation people will not tolerate this kind filth in Canada Mr. Shaban. If you deplore our country so much I challenge you to find another country with a cleaner record. I challenge you to take your hate and intolerance to an outlet that will grant you the fame you so desperately seek.
Canada is a wonderful country largely due to its cultural diversity. We've been through a lot and we've witnessed even more. This kind of thinly-veiled hate is something most Canadians can see beyond.
Put your money where your mouth is Omar.
ReplyDeleteRevoke your Canadian Citizenship, and go live in Lebanon. God knows their history isn't shameful (LOL)
oh and btw... if you're so against the CAF now why is Mohamed Boudjenane (CAF Executive Director 416-889-6764 ed@caf.ca) still on your facebook friend list?
ReplyDeleteRob Free wrote:
ReplyDeleteCanada is trying to do something about its past atrocities. Canada is in the process of mending fences and although we have a long way to go, we have made great progress.
Bullshit, Canada is going to great lengths to cover up the truth of this genocide and continues to benefit from it. 50,000 children were murdered in cold blood, and if you want to defend that then go to hell. If they are really trying to make amends, then why are they paying millions and millions for the silence of their victims?? I don't know how anyone can call that progress, sounds like the same old shit.
Your words were used just to get a reaction. I would prefer to have an actual conversation with you and see the full scope of your ideas, but because that is impossible I can do nothing more then to feel like your words are very superficial.
ReplyDeleteI do not agree with your choice of words to describe any country. Tact is not a form of conceding to the past - it is a way to generate positive progress. Your words have only hurt the cause of the CAF and the Aboriginal community.
Maggot on a camel-turd, you are not worthy to hold a Canadian passport. Do us all a favor and do a Michael Jackson!
ReplyDeleteAs if you or any Arab dog turd ever cared about indigenous people!
You f*kcing hypocrite!
Everywhere where you Muhammad worshipping goatfuckers have overcome the natives, you have wiped them out! You are the worlds locusts, you are a cancer and worse than the Ebola virus. If you need help to put yourself out of your misery I'll be glad to assist.
Just in case the indigenous people think Islam is on their side, Allah revealed to his prophet Mohammed in the Quran:
ReplyDelete9:5 Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Good luck, and remember what the Muslims did to the Hindus. Convert to Islam or die!
ReplyDeleteYou are the very worst example of a Canadian who was fortunate enough to be born here.How i wish you would take your garbage mind and opinions to some other land where you can finish yor educ.and stop trying to represent indigenous people who don't want your advice or opinions.
You are mentally sick and filled with uneducated typical Arab ideals. Canada would be better off without you.Please leave asap.
I'll even gladly pay for your exit ticket to anywhere
Omar's comments were shameful and degrading. Canada is the greatest country in the world.
ReplyDeleteHowever, most of the commentaries on this blog have been just as shameful, disgusting and abysmal! Omar does not represent arab Canadians; he is an individual with peculiar views. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is not a very good approach.
I think we all (Canadians) would be far better off without hate.
Dropping F-bombs and describing dissenters to your point of view as A-holes doesn't foster dialogue. Growing up involves coming to the realization that you're parents aren't always right and the world isn't fair all of the time.
ReplyDeleteYesterdays revolutionaries are tomorrow's establishment. Hopefully, they don't leave too many dead and maimed in their wake as they attempt to right the world's wrongs usually by force. They never have the patience or diplomacy of their senior contemporaries to effect lasting change.
Screaming like a misbehaving child in a supermarket will get you noticed but some aboriginal Canadians may question what gives you the right to use their plight to grandstand?
This is all too typical of the politically correct mindset: White Christians are evil.
ReplyDeleteOf course, Omar, I wonder if you are as ashamed of being a Muslim as you are of being a Canadian. After all, Muslims committed genocide against hundreds of millions during in their attempts spread Islam across the Middle East and South Asia. India is but one example of this genocide. Do you celebrate Muslim holidays? You should be ashamed of being a Muslim!!!
If you hate it so much..LEAVE!! I'm sure you would be much better off in a Muslim paradise like Somalia
ReplyDeleteLet me get this straight. Europeans immigrated here hundreds of years ago. Why was immigration bad then but good now?
ReplyDeleteThis notion that because they were here first that nobody else is entitled to be here is ridiculous - almost as ridiculous as this blog.
Wendy - it's not immigration when you come, conquer, rape, pillage, infect with disease and erode all culture, customs and language. Grow a brain.
ReplyDelete@anon replying to Wendy - and what it is when you come and reap the benefit of all our raping and pillaging?
ReplyDeletehypocrisy? yes.
grow a brain.
Here's the irony... Every single one of us has hurt someone else. At some point in our lives, we adversly affected the world we live in... whether it be through verbal or physical confrontation... EVERYONE has made the choice at some point to WILLFULLY hurt someone else. Yet.. we still all celebrate our birthdays... the point is to learn and grow. Our country has done amazing things over the years. We have a right to take PRIDE in our successes along with our failures. We will never be able to make up for the damage caused to native society, and unfortuantely, things will never go back to the way things were. Be angry at what happened, refuse to clothe yourself in lies, but don't forget that you have clean water..access to food... and oh yah... we all consume more resources in 6 months then someone born in Africa does their entire life. You want something to fight for, and be angry about? Be angry that you've been brainwashed into forgetting that while you sit here reading with lofty opinions... a child is fighting for a chance to live another 24 hours.
ReplyDeleteThat's the point. Omar didn' forget that. He brought it to people's attention. He wasn't seeking attention for it either. Mr. Tarek Fatah the instigator decided he would. I recognize my priviledges by being born in Canada as a part of the middle class. What matters iswhat I do with those priviledges, which is bring to people's attention the disgusting conditions first nations people live in to this day, which is what Omar Shaban attempted to do. Sure, recognize achievements, btu open your eyes andrealize exactly at whose expense they have come. This country wouldn't be what it is today if the destruction the first nations people faced didn't happen. Again, I reiterate,grow a brain you mindless drones.
ReplyDeleteAn eye opening account of Canada's dirty history in respect to foreign policy can be found in a recently published book "The Black Book of Canadian Foreign Polciy" written by Yves Engler. Read it. Then debate.
And by the way. Simply acknowledging that a child is fighting for a chance to live another 24 hours means nothing. NOTHING. You think your band aid solution of "the cost of a cup of coffee a day" is going to do anything??? No. Why don't you recognize and fight against the policies that create those very conditions. Oh right - it's way easier to mail off a $50 cheque each month and forget about it.
ReplyDeleteBasically Canada is still under military rule...
ReplyDeleteBefore 1867 you could only by land by the Canadian aboriginal Crown.... The treaties created in 1850 where done by gunpoint to set-up concentration camps…
The first act passed in the military parliament was the residential school.. And if you look at your history books you will only see the invader view and we somehow all pass away…The Indian Act was created to weed our population to zero and teach us we are now Europeans to fluff their numbers up..
Lets not forget the Quebec trying brake off claiming it has a right to do so.. Anyway under military rule its illegal to create a country or claim to be citizen… Its international law… Basically they can only claim to be Dominion citizen not Canadians…
Champlain maps 1613 and its called Canadas…Europeans did not really come here till late 1880… Canadas original inhabitants are called Canadians…
Thank you for the stand you took, Omar Shaban. Your courage is immense, it took go against the tide and say things that have to be said. Too many of us are too timid to make waves, you set out a tidal wave, kudos to you.
get the fuck outta my county you rat bastard, and all you others that agree with this piece of shit.